Thank you for all the donations for our Easter Food baskets, and our mission outreach to the Homeless Outreach Team.    

Household Giveaway - This month we are collecting kleenex, laundry detergent, bars of soap and toothpaste.  The next household giveaway will be held Thurs., April 25th beginning at 5 p.m. until 6 p.m. (unless we run out of items).  

Single Moms:  Come to our Single Mom's Ministry for care, support and spiritual guidance.  We are beginning a new study called "Boundaries" on Tuesday evenings.  Doors open at 5:30 p.m.    We would love to chat with you. 

Sewing Ladies are accepting button-down shirts that are clean and in good condition.  They are transforming them into dresses to be sent to Africa.  They are also sewing boys' shorts.