Worship With Us
Fairhope Faith Church
5660 Louisville St. N.E., Louisville, Ohio

Rev. Wayne Scott, Pastor

In this New Year, Pastor Wayne and Tricia cordially invite YOU to have Supper with the Scotts.  A sign-up sheet is on the credenza in the hallway outside the sanctuary, giving dates, times, menu options, etc.  We hope you will join us!  Maybe you might even offer a ride to someone who prefers not to drive after dark?  Thank you!  We look forward to getting to know you in these informal settings.


Christmas may be over, but Pastor Wayne has some great Messages planned for these next several Sundays.  You will not want to miss any of them!!  To God be the Glory!!


Thank you to everyone who helped make our celebrations of Christmas such a blessing!  Thank you to our Choir for their beautiful music, and to Yao for all of her many gifts.  Thank you to our Ushers who help in many ways.  Thank you to everyone who read during our Service of Lessons and Carols last week.  Thank you to everyone who helped behind-the-scenes to make Christmas such a joyful time!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!


As this New Year begins here at Fairhope Faith, may we each be aware of the power of the Holy SpiritHe is present and active in our midst, encouraging us to share with each other and with all the blessings and joys of knowing Christ our Saviour!  God is doing a New Thing!  Listen to His plan and follow Him with faith and courage!



Let us be in prayer for our Nation, as we both mourn the passing of one President and prepare for the Inauguration of another.  May Almighty God continue to “shine His grace on Thee!”


Book Club. The Book Club will have their first book discussion on Wed., Feb. 12 at 6:30 p.m. in the church library.  We will be reading the book, "Life Is Funny Until It's Not" by Chonda Pierce.  We will also talk about future plans for the club.   Thank you for all the book suggestions, and feel free to let Karen know if you have more to add.  Invite your friends, and please know you do not need to feel obligated to attend every month


November/December 2024 Beacon

Noveber-December 2024 Beacon.pdf